<p> 新西兰麦克林中学由总督大卫·比蒂成立于1980年,当时在校生有199名。新西兰麦克林中学是男女合校,是新西兰第一所建立whanau子学校的中学。 新西兰麦克林中学目前拥有2500名学生,学校占地13(32英亩)公顷。 新西兰麦克林中学whanau子学校具有一座大型建筑,在这个大型区域内有各种各样的教学空间和充当社会空间的公共区域。</p>
<p> Whanau(毛利语为延伸的家庭)子学校大约有300名学员,是大学校中的小学校。新西兰麦克林中学的学生被划分为不同的类型,然后被分配到不同的whanau子学校中。一旦分配完毕,学生整个阶段都在所属whanau子学校进行学习。 学校愿景 为我们社区的年轻人提供高质量的教育和发展机会,为这些人进一步的教育、承担社会责任和在国际环境的工作做准备。</p>
<p> 为了实现这一目标,新西兰麦克林中学需要: 为学生提供最好的教育和发展机会; 在年轻人的个人发展领域保持领先地位; 关怀我们的员工,确保他们达到最高水平的专业能力; 不断提高我们独特的价值观、标准和传统。</p>
<p> The school was opened in 1980 by the Governor General, Sir David Beattie, with a roll of 199 students. The school is co-educational and was the first S80 or whanau house school built in New Zealand. It now has a roll of over 2500 students and the campus is situated on 13 hectares (32 acres) of land. Each whanau house comprises a large building with a variety of teaching spaces and a commons area which acts as a social space. The whanau is an extended family of approximately 300 students which operates as a mini school within the larger school. On arrival at Macleans College a student is placed in a form class. That form class is assigned to one of the whanau houses. The students remain in that form class and, therefore, in that house for the duration of their time at the college. The Vision for the School To deliver quality education and development opportunities to the young people of our community, ensuring that they receive excellent preparation for ongoing education, acceptance of social responsibilities and work in an international environment. To achieve this, Macleans College will: Deliver education and development opportunities of the highest quality Be at the forefront in the personal development of young people Care for our staff and ensure that they reach the highest levels of professional competence Continually enhance our unique values, standards and traditions</p>