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学制:1.50 年 学费:20500 英镑/年 入学时间:1,4,9月
授课语言:英文 授课校区: 领域:教育学

英国阿贝学院A-Level(英语文化)课程-伯明翰校区注重培养学生阅读文章时的辩论能力。该课程将帮助学生意识到内容的不同解释,但是这是该课程至关重要的一部分,因为文学专业的学生将会得到关于含义或者书本含义的结论,并且能够找出支撑他们观点的证据。英国阿贝学院A-Level(英语文化)课程-伯明翰校区鼓励学生进行阅读,因为这可以帮助学生认识到渗透到社会中的问题。该课程推崇强有力的观点以及辩论,并且培养分析和评估技能,这些技能都能在学生以后选择任何道路时起到服务作用。 We place great emphasis on developing students’ ability to argue (and, in the first instance, to have) an opinion on the texts they read. We help students to be aware of different interpretations of texts but it is just as vital for us that the student of literature reaches their own conclusions about the meaning or meanings of a text and is able to produce evidence to support their view. We encourage a reading of texts that helps students to recognise the issues that permeate the society in which we live and how our response to literature is affected by the time, place and social context in which it is read. We are big fans of strong opinions and lively debate and developing those skills of analysis and evaluation which will serve students well in any path that they might choose to follow.

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